

2024-08-25 34 weeks

🎞️ Life#

Black Myth: Wukong#

Sharing some thoughts on what I've played so far

Current Progress
Cleared all hidden areas before the Yellow Wind Great Sage

Combat System#

Currently, my main output is the stick counterattack set; I haven't started using the standing stick and thrusting stick yet.
It seems very risky because it requires using the light stick first and then the heavy stick, and during the heavy stick phase, I get hit by the monster's output. I anticipate that when I encounter bosses with continuous attacks and high output later on, this won't work.

The gourd given with the pre-order is a bug... The first sip restores full health, it's too overpowered.

Map Scenery and Human Touch#

Black Wind Mountain#

At first glance, I can see the production team's intentions, striving to recreate a realistic terrain, which reduces obvious prompts and interactions (adding a bit more treasure guidance for exploration might be better), but the air walls feel out of place.
The scenery is beautiful, but the complex scenes are a bit laggy.

Yellow Wind Ridge#

No need to say much, the opening Shaanxi rap is amazing.
I think the terrain design here is much better than Black Wind Mountain, with more pathways and a greater desire for exploration and positive feedback.
There are plenty of sculpture details, and I took a lot of photos.



The boss that took me the longest time to defeat. From here, I can feel that Black Myth: Wukong doesn't really encourage (at least in the places I've fought) aggressive healing; it's hard to do parries and counterattacks.
I kept thinking about quickly filling the stagger meter to hit him, but unfortunately, he has too many AOE attacks.
Later, I changed my strategy to a more evasive fighting style and managed to get through.
By the way, I first fought the Soul, then the Guangzhi, and missed a major weapon...

Feels like a throwback to Guda.

White-Clad Scholar#

Like the Soul, I died many times trying to figure out his combat logic. Currently, he is the most stylish and gentlemanly boss (quietly watching you drink potions, never reading commands).
The main difficulty lies in his charge attack, which has no wind-up, making it hard to react.
His movements are quick, making it difficult to counter with the stick.

A very good boss.

Tiger Vanguard#

No need to say much, a weakling, few skills and weak, easily chopped down by my Guangzhi.

Tiger Brothers and Tiger Servants#

The story is quite interesting, providing some guidance on why they have become like this.

Little Li Dragon#

A tough opponent, I initially thought about using the standing stick against the sound wave circle, but found it ineffective, and my energy meter quickly depleted.
If I didn't jump well, the rhythm would be completely thrown off, and later I didn't have enough energy.
After discovering that I could dodge on the rocks, I breezed through it.

It feels a bit unreasonable; it would be more intuitive to dodge with the standing stick rather than the rocks.

In comparison, the Red Beard Dragon is just a younger brother, cleared in two tries.

💭 Fragments#

After the death of Zhou Guang, only two remain, introducing you to all 23 "Two Bombs and One Satellite Meritorious Figures"#
On September 18, 1999, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State Council, and the Central Military Commission decided to commend 23 scientific experts who made outstanding contributions to the research and development of "Two Bombs and One Satellite." A video introduces you to the 23 "Two Bombs and One Satellite Meritorious Figures."


Stupid Company#

📰 Weekly Excerpts#

8-Year-Old Child Scared Watching "Alien," Parents Complain to Cinema#

The horror film "Alien: Covenant" was released in mainland cinemas on August 16 and is currently showing.
Screenshots circulating online show that a parent took their 8-year-old child to watch the film, and during the screening, the child expressed discomfort and fear. The parent strongly condemned the cinema for screening a film unsuitable for children and demanded a refund and compensation. This incident has sparked heated discussions among netizens.
In the United States, this film is rated R, meaning that anyone under 17 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to watch. In China, the poster has a warning for "underage viewers to choose carefully." On ticketing platforms, the movie poster also features a prominent and colorful reminder.

In China, as long as there is no rating system, there will be such clueless people.

Zhiyuan Releases Commercial Humanoid Robot Bundle#

At this press conference, Zhiyuan Robotics announced a series of major open-source plans, including: the high-performance communication framework AimRT for intelligent robots will be open-sourced at the end of September, the Lingxi X1 incubated by X-Lab will be fully open-sourced in September, and a million real machine and ten million simulation datasets based on AIDEA will be open-sourced in the fourth quarter of this year.

Really impressive, Zhihui Jun.

The Truth Behind NetEase Cloud Music's Outage: Technical Cost Reduction and Insufficient Manpower Led to Half a Day of Troubleshooting#

Phoenix Technology learned from relevant technical personnel within NetEase that this outage may be related to the relocation of the server room in the second quarter of this year. "NetEase established a server room in Guizhou, and its businesses were relocated in phases. In Q2 2024, NetEase Cloud Music just completed the relocation of the Guizhou server room."
According to the aforementioned informed sources, this relocation was internally assessed to be extremely challenging, with a significant risk of major accidents if not handled carefully. "Just a few days ago, we said this was completed well, and now it has backfired."

Ultimately, it's about not moving data around lightly unless it's a shutdown; the competition in China is too fierce, and such scenarios could easily be handled by shutting down for a few hours at night.

"Black Myth: Wukong" is a Huge Success#

According to Beike Finance, several industry insiders predict that "Black Myth: Wukong" is expected to achieve total sales of 5 to 7 million copies across all platforms. Based on the minimum sales price of 268 yuan, the game's buyout sales revenue would be between 1.34 billion and 1.876 billion yuan.
Additionally, according to the latest statistics from the national game bestseller list, "Black Myth: Wukong" has sold over 3 million copies on Steam, and combined with sales on Wegame, Epic, and PS platforms, the total sales have exceeded 4.5 million copies, with total sales revenue exceeding 1.5 billion yuan.

Previously, "Black Myth: Wukong" had over 1.2 million pre-orders, with pre-order sales exceeding 400 million yuan, making it the global weekly sales champion on Steam from August 6 to 13.

IT Home noted that the current game's Steam positive review rate remains at 96%, with about 90% of the reviews being in Chinese, indicating that Chinese players make up the vast majority on the Steam platform.
On its launch day, "Black Myth: Wukong" achieved a peak of 2,223,179 concurrent players on Steam, surpassing the earlier viral hit "Monster Hunter: World" (2,101,867 players) and only second to "PUBG" (2018, 3,257,248 players).


New Titles Announced for the "Mafia" Series and Latest Trailer for "Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2": Summary of News from the 2024 Cologne Game Show#


A wave of new games is coming.

Microsoft's "Accident" Affects Linux: After Windows Update, Linux Won't Boot#

A Microsoft update has caused issues for Linux users.
Many Linux users reported that after installing Microsoft's update, their Linux systems would not boot.

The affected Linux users had installed a dual-boot system with Windows and Linux.
The sudden inability to boot left many users anxious, rushing to post for solutions. Similar feedback flooded Reddit and various Linux communities.

Domestic Dark Martial Arts Game "Shadow Blade Zero" Demo Gameplay Video Released at 2024 Cologne Game Show#

The 2024 Cologne Game Show was held from August 21 to 25, where the domestic dark martial arts action-adventure game "Shadow Blade Zero" showcased a demo gameplay clip.

Baidu's Li Yanhong: AI Competition Will Be Fierce in the Next Two to Three Years, Those Who Make Money Will Survive#

Baidu today released its financial report for the second quarter of 2024, ending June 30: total revenue was 33.9 billion yuan, basically flat year-on-year. The net profit attributable to Baidu was 5.5 billion yuan. Non-GAAP net profit attributable to Baidu was 7.4 billion yuan.
After the financial report was released, Baidu Chairman and CEO Li Yanhong, CFO Luo Rong, and President of the Intelligent Cloud Business Group Shen Dou attended the subsequent conference call to interpret the key points of the financial report and answer analysts' questions.

The First Fully Blind Female Player in China Defeats the First Boss in "Black Myth: Wukong" by Relying on Sound#

Blogger @Nuzi Meow posted last night that she defeated the first boss in "Black Myth: Wukong." Uniquely, she is completely blind with only a slight perception of light, and she can't see any shadows on the computer screen.

The power of gaming; I hope the gaming industry can address this weakness and allow more people to experience it.

The Largest ZIP Bomb in the World: 114885734 Quettabytes, an Unimaginable Scale for an Ordinary Person#
1148857344 Quettabytes, this scale may be hard for many to comprehend:
1 Quettabyte = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0

Is this meant to contain the entire universe?..

📚 Articles#

Huawei Doesn't Take Risks#

  1. Development and Transformation of Huawei's Automotive BU:
  • Establishment and Positioning: Huawei's Automotive BU was established in May 2019, positioned as a supplier of incremental components for intelligent connected vehicles, aiming to be "Bosch in the era of smart electric vehicles."
  • Cooperation Models and Achievements: Collaborated with car manufacturers through models like the Smart Selection Car (e.g., the AITO with Seres), HI model, and parts supplier model. In 2022, the AITO series delivered over 75,000 vehicles, and in 2023, the Smart Selection Car delivered over 90,000 vehicles. Major achievements in 2023 also include delivering 3 million sets of components, releasing the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, upgrading HarmonyOS 4, and empowering 7 strategic cooperation models.
  • Challenges Faced:
    • The "Not Making Cars" Dilemma: As a supplier (party B), achieving a closed loop mainly relies on the Smart Selection Car business, but faces issues with low purchasing willingness from party A and varying quality of partners. Although there are successful cases in the Smart Selection Car model, many potential party A partners are still observing, and Huawei needs to continuously prove that it can bring success to more car manufacturers.
    • Burden on Huawei: In 2023, Huawei's R&D expenses were 164.7 billion yuan, with the automotive BU accounting for about 9%; revenue was 704.2 billion yuan, with the automotive BU only accounting for 0.67%; net profit was 86.95 billion yuan, with the automotive BU losing about 15 billion yuan, equivalent to 17.2% of Huawei's net profit. Excluding the automotive BU business, Huawei's net profit margin would increase by 2.2 percentage points.
  1. Huawei's Decisions and Actions:
  • Cooperation with Changan Automobile: On November 25, 2023, Huawei signed a "Memorandum of Investment Cooperation" with Changan Automobile, where Huawei will inject technology, assets, and personnel related to the automotive BU into a new company, and Changan Automobile plans to invest to acquire equity in the new company, not exceeding 40%.
  • Establishment of Yiwang Intelligent: On January 16, 2024, Huawei invested 1 billion to establish "Shenzhen Yiwang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd." The automotive BU is currently in a waiting state, and Huawei has divested its intelligent vehicle solution business.
  1. Urgent Tasks for Yiwang Intelligent:
  • Complete the Formation of the Joint Venture: This includes resolving the ownership issue of the Smart Selection Car business to ensure no competition with the new company; determining Yiwang's valuation, which must be based on performance commitments made by Huawei Group.
  • Raise Funds: The automotive BU's R&D investment is already insufficient and is being asked to be compressed. After transitioning to Yiwang, annual R&D investment must be at least 20 billion yuan; Yiwang needs to find ways to raise funds to meet R&D funding needs and strive to fulfill performance commitments.

In summary, the article mainly discusses the development status of Huawei's automotive BU, the challenges it faces, and Huawei's response measures, including cooperation with Changan Automobile and the establishment of Yiwang Intelligent, while pointing out that Yiwang Intelligent's current main tasks are to complete the formation of the joint venture and raise funds.

With Huawei's influence, they should have determined to make their own cars from the beginning; sales should be higher than they are now.

Seven Editors, Nine Dimensions: "Black Myth: Wukong" Gcores Ten Thousand Word Experience Report | Gcores#

Vitamin Supplements May Cause Cancer: Those Debunked Health "Legends"#

1. Book Introduction and Recommendation

  • Book Title: "The Diet Myth"
  • Author: Tim Spector, British epidemiologist and nutrition scientist
  • Content Highlights:
    • Analyzes metabolic secrets and nutritional components using data from thousands of identical twins and decades of research.
    • Reveals common misconceptions about nutrition, such as the limitations of exercise for weight loss, the unhealthiness of sugar-free drinks, and the potential dangers of vitamin supplements.
  • Recommender: Chen Wei, Chief Physician of the Clinical Nutrition Department at Peking Union Medical College Hospital
  • Recommendation Reason: Through clinical data, it debunks nutritional "legends," emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet and scientific nutrition, and reveals the connection between gut microbiota, nutrition, and health.
    2. Main Points and Findings
  1. Exercise and Weight Loss
  • Point: Relying solely on exercise is difficult for long-term weight loss; the body's compensatory mechanisms hinder fat consumption.
  • Data Support:
    • A tracking survey of 12,000 running enthusiasts: long-distance running is associated with a leaner physique, but weight gradually increases each year.
    • High-intensity exercise studies: volunteers' weight loss results were far below expectations, with increased hunger and food intake.
    • Meta-analysis: exercise has limited effectiveness in preventing weight regain.
  1. Coffee and Health
  • Point: Moderate coffee consumption (three to four cups a day) is beneficial for health, reducing the risk of death and heart disease, and may even lower cancer risk.
  • Data Support:
    • British studies: significant differences in caffeine content, but moderate consumption is harmless.
    • Multiple prospective studies: involving over a million subjects, supporting the benefits of moderate coffee consumption.
  1. Risks of Vitamin Supplements
  • Point: For most people, a balanced diet is sufficient to obtain adequate vitamins; vitamin supplements may be harmful and even carcinogenic.
  • Background:
    • The growth and popularity of the multivitamin supplement market.
    • Epidemiological observational studies in the 1990s that sparked the vitamin craze.
  • Turning Point:
    • Randomized trials around 2005 revealed that vitamin supplements were not as effective as expected and could even be harmful.
      3. Summary and Insights
  • Importance of a Balanced Diet: Emphasizes obtaining nutrition through a balanced diet rather than relying on supplements.
  • Need for Scientific Understanding: In the face of overwhelming marketing information, it is necessary to maintain rationality and scientifically understand the relationship between nutrition and health.
  • Value of the Book: Provides nutrition guidance based on big data and clinical research, helping readers gradually achieve health.


Those observational epidemiological studies on vitamins, like those on various other diseases, have once again gone astray due to inherent biases: people taking vitamin E tend to be wealthier, more educated, slimmer, drink less alcohol, and are more likely to eat fruits and vegetables.

My understanding is that in the current situation where takeout and cafeteria food dominate, it is almost impossible to consume enough vitamins, and daily supplementation is still necessary.
I personally take 1-2 vitamin C, 1-2 vitamin B complex, 2-3 zinc, and 2 calcium tablets daily.

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