

2024-07-08 28 weeks

🎞️ Life#

College Roommate's Wedding#

On Friday, July 12th, I took a train to Nanjing and went to Wuhu Nanling with my classmates from Nanjing.
Around 12:30 am on July 13th, we arrived at the e-sports hotel and formed a five-person team for a big brawl.

Since we needed to get up at 4 o'clock to go to the groom's house, we planned to sleep for 2 hours. However, we kept losing and playing, and by the time it was past 3 o'clock, we still hadn't won a single game...
We quickly rested for half an hour (I couldn't fall asleep).

After getting up at 4 o'clock, we went to the groom's house. It was a beautiful village with a dam right at the doorstep, lots of lawns, and rivers.
Despite heavy rain, it couldn't stop the wedding procession.

The bride's family is in a nearby village, in a valley with mountains, water, and waterfalls.

The wedding procession went very smoothly, with the mother-in-law leading the way and urging everyone to move faster (🤣
We had a wonderful wedding banquet at noon.

Afterwards, we went back to the hotel to rest for a while and continue the battle. Today's performance is still good, we can win a few games.

In the evening, we had dinner and chatted with the groom and bride, and the next morning we each went our separate ways.

Resuming Exercise#

Since the injury to my right elbow on June 16th, I haven't exercised for three weeks.

The cause at that time was unknown, suspected to be a combination of the following reasons:

  • Regular fitness
  • Played basketball for two days during the Dragon Boat Festival
  • Hiked in Shaoxing the day before
    I felt pain when I went to bed at night. I should have gone to the hospital immediately and applied ice, but unfortunately, I lacked knowledge in this area.

After resuming exercise, I will see if there are any effects and whether I need to rest more.

Shadow of the Golden Tree#

I finished the final boss, Mi Qilala, last weekend, and also collected all the fragments and ashes. Next, I can collect all the battle ashes and equipment from the DLC.

This DLC feels relatively simple overall. At the beginning, it was difficult when there were few fragments and ashes, but after exploring a bit, it gradually became easier. It also provides a lot of souls, so leveling up is fast. When I entered the DLC, I was level 187 in the second playthrough, and after finishing it, I reached level 213, despite losing several times with a high burden.

And there are also many wheelchairs, although I haven't had time to play with the firecracker, the original wheelchair was enough to complete the game.


Then I will continue with my second playthrough using the DLC weapons.

Currently, I am considering a bloodborne or prayer build. The Flame Knight also seems viable.

💭 Excerpt#

Do ordinary Russians think Russia is aggressive?#

There is no justice in aggression, but one should strive not to be invaded and be the invader instead.
When it comes to national interests, we should also talk about justice and morality. Why not ask the developed countries why they are developed?
Also, why is China so large, even though it lost so much territory in modern wars?

📰 Weekly Digest#

MongoDB 8.0#

Starting from MongoDB 8.0, you can configure the database profiler to record slow operations based on the time spent by MongoDB executing the operation (rather than the total latency of the operation). This means that factors such as waiting for locks and traffic control will not affect whether an operation exceeds the slow operation threshold.

  • Recording the time spent by MongoDB processing queries allows for more accurate recording of slow queries.
  • Query analysis tools (such as the query profiler, performance advisor, and search query telemetry) report slow operations based on workingMillis rather than durationMillis. This change provides a more accurate view of problematic queries.
  • The slow query log includes a new metric, ticketWaitMillis, which measures the time spent waiting for a ticket. This metric helps determine whether a slow operation is due to completion time or waiting start time.

Starting from MongoDB 8.0, you can use the new bulkWrite command to perform multiple insert, update, and delete operations on multiple collections in a single request. The existing db.collection.bulkWrite() method only allows you to modify one collection in a single request.

This is equivalent to integrating transactions into a statement, eliminating the steps of manual transactions.

Starting from MongoDB 8.0, you can use the defaultMaxTimeMS cluster parameter to specify the default time limit for completing a single read operation.

It has been a year since the last major version of MongoDB, and since the protocol changed to SSPL, if you want to use new features, you can only set it up yourself and cannot use cloud products.

Conversation with laid-off employees at Pinduoduo: "Laid off at 35", more than 800,000 yuan in stock options went down the drain | Storm Eye#

Phoenix Technology has learned that in medium-sized Internet companies, laying off high-cost employees before the vesting period of stock options has become a common practice for HR layoffs. "They deliberately prevent you from obtaining the options," said a laid-off employee from an Internet company, "I have never seen anything so disgusting."

Key Points#

I. Background

  • Company: Pinduoduo, a medium-sized Internet company specializing in trendy online shopping communities.
  • Employee: Xu Kai, former employee of Pinduoduo, a front-end technical expert, laid off due to reasons such as "failure to submit weekly reports" and "unreasonable work time allocation".
  • Layoff time: July 2023.
  • Stock option issue: Xu Kai held about 2,000 shares of Pinduoduo stock options, worth about 1.6 million yuan, which he was unable to exercise due to the layoff.

II. Events

  • Xu Kai's actions: After multiple unsuccessful attempts to negotiate with the company to restore his labor relationship and obtain the options before leaving, Xu Kai applied to restore his labor relationship with Pinduoduo and received support from the Shanghai Labor Arbitration Commission.
  • Pinduoduo's response: Disagreeing with the arbitration result, Pinduoduo continued to appeal and filed another lawsuit against Xu Kai.

III. Key Issues

  • Stock option vesting: Pinduoduo laid off Xu Kai before the vesting period of his stock options, preventing him from exercising them.
  • Reasons for layoff: Pinduoduo laid off Xu Kai citing reasons such as "failure to submit weekly reports" and "unreasonable work time allocation", but Xu Kai stated that he had no significant work negligence during his employment.
  • Employee treatment: Xu Kai faced high-intensity work during his time at Pinduoduo, but the company did not discuss the stock option issue with employees during the layoff.

IV. Company Status

  • Business growth: Pinduoduo's performance in 2023 has grown significantly, with first-quarter GMV already surpassing the full-year GMV of 2022.
  • Business strategy: Pinduoduo faces growth pressure and adopts a cost reduction and efficiency improvement strategy, conducting personnel optimization every quarter.

V. Employee Voices

  • Xu Kai's viewpoint: Xu Kai expressed dissatisfaction with Pinduoduo's layoff behavior, believing that the company deliberately laid off employees before the stock option vesting period, depriving them of their rights.
  • Other employees: It is reported that in medium-sized Internet companies, laying off high-cost employees before the vesting period of stock options has become a common practice for HR layoffs.

VI. Company Response

  • Pinduoduo stated that Xu Kai's labor contract was terminated due to multiple unsatisfactory performance evaluations and emphasized the healthy development of the company's business, welcoming outstanding talents to join.

The stock price of our company is so low that I can't be bothered to sell it. I'll just liquidate it when I leave in the future.

Qunar employees have 2 flexible working days per week#



📚 Articles#

France: The AI Revolution#

Key Points#

I. Introduction

  • Background of AI Big Model Entrepreneurship: Emphasizes the importance of mathematical geniuses in AI big model entrepreneurship and points out that the underlying technology of AGI big models is controlled by a few geniuses.
  • Status of Mathematics in France: Highlights that France is the cradle of mathematicians and attaches great importance to mathematics education and social culture.

II. History and Current Status of Mathematics in France

  • Historical Heritage: Lists famous mathematicians in French history and their contributions to mathematics, such as Descartes, Fermat, Cauchy, Fourier, etc.
  • Modern Achievements: Mentions the outstanding performance of French mathematicians in the Fields Medal and top-level mathematical institutions and research institutions such as the University of Paris-Saclay.

III. Current Status of AI in France

  • Return of Mathematical Talent: Points out that many mathematical talents who received education in France are returning to France, becoming the main force in the French AI ecosystem.
  • AI Companies: Lists some AI startups in France, such as Mistral, HuggingFace, etc.

IV. Conclusion

  • Potential of AI in France: Emphasizes the tremendous potential that France's profound mathematical heritage and the return of mathematical talent bring to the AI field in France.

Education is still crucial.

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