

2024-06-21 25 weeks

🎞️ Life#

2024.6 Tonglu Trip#

Originally planned to visit Guangzhou, but the flight was canceled due to heavy rain in the south. (Now the south is flooded with water)
Received the cancellation notice on Saturday afternoon and decided to visit Tonglu and depart at night.

DAY1 Nature & Primitive Trip#

Daqi Mountain -> Maoping Village -> Shishe Village

Daqi Mountain#

On the first day, we chose to visit the forest park and small villages in the mountains.
Took a taxi from the hotel (booked on the same day, 339 Orange Hotel non-refundable) and arrived at Daqi Mountain Forest Park in about 10 minutes. Entrance ticket is required.

As soon as I entered, it awakened my memory. I came here three years ago, just a few days apart, for a team building activity.

Daqi Mountain has only one road up and down the mountain. The mountain is not high, but the scenery is good. There is a small stream along the way, and you can occasionally go down to play in the water, which is quite pleasant.



There is a small waterfall at the top of the mountain, which is the main attraction.


Took about two hours to walk down the mountain.

When we were ready to take a taxi, we found that we couldn't get one and many people were also trying to get one. We decided to see if there was a bus, but found that it only runs every half an hour. Thinking that we could walk out of the scenic area and take a taxi outside (probably at least 20 minutes away),

we suddenly found shared bicycles (local in Tonglu), quickly scanned the code and rode the bike. Luckily, we were able to use it, and fortunately, the group of people waiting for a taxi didn't walk a few steps forward, otherwise we wouldn't have gotten one.

Rode the bike for 4 kilometers and found a parking spot. After eating some local snacks and resting for a while, we took a taxi to Maoping Village.

Maoping Village#


Malin Ancient Road#

Of course, plans are always good, but as soon as we walked down to the river, we found a dead end...
Fortunately, my friend was agile and found a way to go, and we finally arrived at the authentic Malin Ancient Road. However, we could hardly see the river along the way, only one side of the mountain and the other side blocked by trees, basically, there was almost no difference in scenery after walking for an hour...
Only occasionally, when we walked from one mountain to another, did we get some liberation in terms of vision, giving us a brief respite from the exhaustion of body and mind.


Shishe Village#

Along the way, we found that Shishe Village was indeed crowded, mostly self-driving. It took us about ten minutes to walk from seeing Shishe Village to actually arriving at Shishe Village. Finally, we reached the best viewing platform.

The river flows in a U-shape around the village, which is quite beautiful.

We walked from the bridge on the left side of the picture to Shishe Village, where there are many places to eat, drink, and stay, as well as public toilets.

At this time, it was hot and humid in the afternoon, and it started to rain. We took shelter in a coffee shop and waited for the rain to stop. We also saw many people in the slow-flowing water, setting up chairs and sunshades, enjoying food and drinks, which was quite pleasant.

My suggestion is to take a taxi directly to Shishe Village, then walk to Maoping Village. If you have good physical strength, you can go directly to Lu Ci Village (the outermost village on this mountain road), which is even better.

For more advanced adventurers, it is recommended to bring proper equipment and walk from inside the mountains. In fact, there are many trails that can be taken, and if you can reach the top, the scenery is quite amazing.

DAY2 OMG Thrill Park & Tianmu Creek Drifting#

It rained last night, and the weather forecast said it would continue to rain the next day, so we didn't buy tickets and planned to check again in the morning (actually, you still need to book in advance, non-refundable if you don't go, missed the cheap double ticket).

The next morning, there was good news and bad news.
The good news was that it stopped raining.
The bad news was that I found my elbow was in pain.

But the pain wasn't that intense in the morning. After breakfast, we compared and found that taking the bus was more cost-effective, not much slower, but it saved a lot of money.

However, when we took the second bus, my friend had a stomachache and went to the bathroom, missing the bus. We didn't know when the next one would depart, so we ended up taking a taxi. 😂

OMG Thrill Park#

To be honest, this park is relatively expensive, and there aren't many attractions. It's also quite far away.
The only interesting attractions are:

  • Glass Suspension Bridge
  • Scooter
  • Glass Drifting
    There is also a swing that I dare not go on even if it is open.


First, we took a boat from the cave to the mountains, and then arrived at Banshanyi. We took an elevator from one side to go up the mountain and arrived at the glass suspension bridge.
This glass suspension bridge is quite good, very long.

After coming here, we took another elevator to reach a glass platform, which is suitable for taking photos.

Then there is a coffee shop for rest and the scooter that we were looking forward to.

Note that each attraction can only be experienced once. You can't go back and play again after you go down. This is what I think is a pitfall, and each attraction is very short, ending in a few minutes.


The scooter is quite good, but it's not easy to take a video with one hand because it's easy to be overtaken. You still need to brake when turning, otherwise, you might overturn (I saw someone overturn).

At this time, we arrived at Banshanyi again. It was noon, so we had some food. We took a "horse" up the mountain from the other side and arrived at the glass drifting. They provided disposable raincoats, and two people shared a boat, drifting all the way to the foot of the mountain, passing through some children's areas and cultural and creative shops, and finally arrived at the entrance.

So you see, there are few attractions, and if you don't take a break and there aren't many people, you can finish all the attractions in an hour. And there are only Yulin Wonderland (cave) and Tianmu Creek Drifting (bamboo rafting) nearby, nothing else. You need to plan your itinerary properly.

Tianmu Creek#

It's relatively close, about a ten-minute taxi ride away. There are very few people, so it is recommended to buy tickets in advance because you can only enter after 30 minutes.

We happened to miss a group of team-building tourists and shared a bamboo raft with another couple.


It was windy, the sun wasn't too strong, and it was very pleasant.


The main attraction in Tonglu is drifting because when we came, the temperature was not high enough, plus it was cloudy, which was not suitable for experiencing the thrilling Tonglu drifts.

Then, it is important to plan well because the various scenic spots are far apart.


Unexpectedly, I got injured last Sunday night.
Soft tissue damage in the elbow area of the right arm, swelling and unbearable pain, unable to perform larger movements.

And there could be many possibilities. It feels like a combination of multiple situations:

  • I usually have a fitness habit, which may involve exercises like bench press, rowing, deadlifts, etc., which could cause muscle strains (but there was no obvious pain or discomfort)
  • Played basketball for two days during the Dragon Boat Festival
  • Went hiking on Sunday, which was quite exhausting (but I didn't use my arms)
  • Pressed on it while sleeping

In short, I woke up in pain on Sunday night, and the swelling increased the next day. I went to the hospital in Shanghai on Tuesday morning, and the bones were fine. They told me to heal on my own...

It was too painful on Tuesday night, and I could only fall asleep after taking ibuprofen.
The swelling also turned red, indicating that there was blood inside.

In conclusion,
I need to suspend all intense exercise and fitness activities for the next month.

💭 Excerpt#

I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

📰 Weekly Digest#

📚 Articles#

The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)#


One, Introduction

Joel Spolsky proposed the concept of "There is no such thing as plain text" twenty years ago, emphasizing the importance of string encoding.
In 2003, the main issue was determining the encoding of the text. By 2023, UTF-8 has become the mainstream encoding.
Two, Introduction to Unicode

Unicode is a standard aimed at unifying all past and present human languages and making them usable with computers.
In practice, Unicode is a table that assigns unique numbers to different characters, and these numbers are called code points.
By reaching a consensus on the correspondence between characters and code points worldwide and using Unicode, people can read each other's texts.
Three, The Scale of Unicode

Currently, the largest code point defined in Unicode is 0x10FFFF.
Four, The Shift of the Problem

The current problem is no longer determining the encoding of the text, but how to use UTF-8 correctly.
Five, Additional Information

The article also mentions some characters in Unicode and their corresponding code points as examples, including Latin letters, Arabic letters, Katakana letters, musical symbols, and emoticons.

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