

2024-06-14 24 weeks

🎞️ Life#

Elderly Rehabilitation#

During the three-day Dragon Boat Festival at home, the main focus was on the elderly's rehabilitation. The progress so far is completing the "Full Moon" level, and the next step is to find the scattered stars.

Started with the envoy, using the Golden Trident, and followed the strategy to progress quickly. However, it is still relatively slow. If you purely focus on progress, you still need to jump around to find stones and grind souls. But I haven't bought a PS membership yet, so I can't do the White Mask mission in the Mongwen Dynasty...

The map design is still impressive when playing again. I remember when I first played, I didn't want to fight the boss at all and just ran around. It actually allowed me to skip Greik and go straight from the bottom of the valley to the Yatan Plateau, not to mention going to Gailide to die early.

Pineapple Comparison: Hema or Ole or Dingdong or Fruit Store#

Currently, my favorite fruit is pineapple. After comparing, Hema's pineapple is the best, and the prices are similar, except that the fruit store is cheaper.

I will continue to buy pineapple from Hema, it's sweeter and crunchier.

Weekly Progress#


During the lunch break, I watched the weekly progress. Not bad, especially the long brainwashing process, and the final church massacre. One by one, shooting, jamming, with enough emotional release. It would be even better if there were some missed shots and a few more shots...

By the way, my Xiaomi Pad 6s Pro looks very bright and reflective under the office lighting when lying on the chair. It affects the viewing experience with a lot of glare. However, when sitting upright, it doesn't have any impact.


This weekend, I will go to Guangzhou for a two-day trip. The airfare is relatively cheap, round trip for two people is 1800+, and I also used the corporate Huazhu membership to book two nights at Orange Hotel for 800.

I want to experience the life of the locals in Guangzhou.

💭 Excerpt#

How can I make myself feel better?#

Jun 10, 2024 at 20:59
Answer by Zhizhu Erjing

If you have a rubber band in your hand, it's easy to understand the concept of happiness.

Under normal circumstances, it's soft and loose, which is called a relaxed feeling.
Some people twist it into a braid and tie their hair, which is neat and tidy.
There are also people who like to tie the rubber band around their wrist and occasionally flick themselves. This is the pursuit of excitement.
Some people say that rubber bands have a bad smell. Oh, I'm sorry, many rubber bands don't have that smell anymore. If you wear them for a long time, they have a bit of a fragrance, which smells quite nice.

Okay, once you understand this, you will feel happy. Stretch and relax, it's both reasonable and beyond reason, and it's also useful.

Accept rubber bands in various states, and you will be happy.

📰 Weekly Digest#

Apple's WWDC Unveils "AI Moves," How Do Foreign Media React?#

Bloomberg: Apple Cautious about AI, OpenAI Becomes a Minor Role
The cooperation between Apple and OpenAI has been brewing for several months, but it was only briefly mentioned at the highly anticipated WWDC, with most of the time spent promoting Apple's autonomous AI technology. The keynote speech lasted over 1 hour and 45 minutes, but Apple only spent about two minutes discussing the collaboration with OpenAI. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman appeared at the Apple WWDC event but did not take the stage for the keynote speech. After Apple announced the collaboration with OpenAI, he tweeted, "Very excited" to work with Apple.

Bloomberg pointed out that Apple is very cautious about AI because chatbots like ChatGPT and Gemini sometimes struggle to provide completely accurate information, and Apple hopes to focus more on lower-risk tasks such as organizing photo collections or helping with dinner reservations.

Reuters: WWDC Fails to Impress Wall Street, Short-Term Boost from AI Not Seen
Reuters reported that Wall Street's reaction to the opening of Apple's WWDC was lukewarm because investors were hoping to see Apple introduce more impressive AI features and provide assurances that would put Apple in a favorable position to compete with market leader Microsoft. Apple's stock price fell nearly 2% at the close on Monday. "Apple's intelligence does please users in some small but meaningful ways, bringing Apple to the same level as its peers, but not surpassing them," said Forrester analyst Dipanjan Chatterjee.

Moreover, Apple still relies too heavily on the iPhone. Some analysts say that any boost from new AI features is unlikely to be realized in the short term. Paolo Pescatore, an analyst and founder of consulting firm PP Foresight, said, "In this early competition, Alphabet, especially Microsoft, has taken the lead and has cloud assets, putting them in a more advantageous position."

Only available for iPhone 15 Pro and above, it's ridiculous.

Apple iOS 18 Collaborates with OpenAI, Angers Musk: They Will Sell User Data, Considering Banning Apple Devices in the Company#

On June 11, Apple announced its collaboration with OpenAI at the WWDC24 developer conference, and ChatGPT will be added to Siri in the future. This move has angered Musk, who posted multiple posts on the X platform accusing Apple of "selling user data."

Musk said, "Apple is not smart enough to create its own AI, but believes it can ensure that OpenAI protects your safety and privacy. This is obviously absurd! Once you hand over your data to OpenAI, Apple has no idea what happened. They are selling you."

Musk also said, "If Apple integrates OpenAI at the operating system level, then Apple devices will be banned from my company. This is unacceptable security violation. And visitors must check their Apple devices at the door and store them in a Faraday cage." (A Faraday cage is a cage made of metal or a good conductor that can shield device signals.)

It should be optional to use OpenAI with Siri.

"Assist" Chinese National Football Team Advances to Top 18, Singapore Goalkeeper Receives Remote Payment from Fans#

On June 11, in the final round of the 36-team group stage of the 2026 FIFA World Cup Asian qualifiers held in Bangkok, Thailand defeated Singapore 3-1, and the Chinese team advanced to the next stage of the top 18.

In the match where Singapore lost 1-3 to Thailand, the Thai team had 35 shots, 13 of which were on target, and had several good scoring opportunities, but were all saved by Singapore goalkeeper Sunny. Although Singapore conceded 3 goals in this match, it happened to allow the Chinese team to surpass Thailand based on points, goal difference, and goals scored. If Sunny had let in one more goal, the Chinese team would have missed the top 18.

After the game, Chinese fans queued up online to express their gratitude to Sunny. Some even posted the address of Sunny's coconut rice stall in Singapore, calling for support. Many fans also found photos of Sunny's stall and made remote payments using the payment QR code displayed in the store. (Xinhua News Agency, Red Star News, Migu Sports)

When will the Chinese national team play attractive attacking football? It would be great to have quick counterattacks.

Wei Long Launches New Durian Spicy Strips#

Wei Long announced the launch of a new product, "Durian Spicy Strips." According to the official introduction, the product has a "three parts durian flavor, seven parts spicy strips aroma."

It is reported that Wei Long Durian Spicy Strips are made with "authentic Musang King durian" seasoning, with a rich durian flavor. The new product is now available in the official flagship store, and the Tmall flagship store offers a combination of 2 packs of durian flavor and 6 packs of classic flavor spicy strips for 18.9 yuan.

Yingshi Releases New Sports Camera GO 3S: 4K Resolution, Thumb-sized#

As the fourth generation of the "GO series," the GO 3S is equipped with a newly upgraded high-performance chip, which increases the CPU computing power by 50%. It is also equipped with a new wide-angle lens, capable of shooting 4K 30fps videos, almost doubling the pixel count compared to the GO 3.

IT Home noticed that the GO 3S has added a "Natural Wide Angle FOV" to reduce edge distortion and provide a more realistic viewing experience. It also adds a portrait filter, making the skin tone of the subject softer and more natural, with better clarity, brightness, and color saturation in low-light conditions. Furthermore, it supports "Dolby Vision" during app preview and export.

In terms of shooting control, the GO 3S is more intelligent and user-friendly. It continues to use a dual-use design, compatible with the sports camera form factor. In addition to shooting independently with the thumb camera, it can also be used with an expansion module, with a battery life of up to 140 minutes. It is equipped with a 2.2-inch flip touch screen, integrating charging, image transmission, and remote control.

It also supports the new "Interval Recording" function, where the camera will automatically take photos at regular intervals. When combined with AI automatic editing, it will select interesting clips, making it easy to create videos with just one click.

I'm interested in the GO 3, waiting for a price drop.

📚 Articles#

How Difficult Is the College Entrance Examination in Henan, the Largest Province in China? - Huxiu#

Web Summary#

As the largest province in China for the college entrance examination, Henan has a large number of candidates, with a high number of high-scoring students ranking among the top in the country. However, the admission rate to first-tier universities is relatively low, making the competition fierce. Henan candidates work hard and pursue knowledge, and many prestigious schools have emerged internally. Henan people love exams and have a deep cultural heritage in exams throughout history.

Key Points#

  • Henan has a large number of candidates for the college entrance examination, with a high number of high-scoring students, but a low admission rate to first-tier universities, making the competition fierce.
  • Henan candidates work hard and pursue knowledge, and many prestigious schools have emerged internally.
  • Henan people love exams and have a deep cultural heritage in exams throughout history.
  • Henan high school students face tremendous pressure and need to make more efforts to stand out.
  • The construction of universities in Henan is accelerating, providing more educational opportunities for candidates.

There is no fairness in this.

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