

2024-05-13 20週

🎞️ Life#

Hades 2#

The sudden release of the second generation, still in the EA stage, but I still spent 108 to get it. I played for a few hours, let me talk about the experience.


There are too many elements to develop, and it heavily relies on the rewards from each dungeon run to improve the protagonist's performance, equipment, and build.
I have played for a few hours and still haven't unlocked a weapon, let alone advanced weapons or build unlocks.
I'm thinking of using a modifier to modify the materials.


The scraping is especially annoying, and it's tiring to build up before starting.
There are many armored monsters, and the combination of the lion's roar and armor is annoying, lacking in experience.

Protagonist Performance#

The teleportation and running are average in terms of experience, and running is not very useful. Will there be a D3 knight style later on, where running can attract monsters?
The weapons are monotonous and lack a sense of satisfaction. The casting time is long and doesn't deal much damage.


Currently, I have only reached the third level, the wilderness (I don't remember if that's what it's called), it has a D3 style, but besides unlocking seals, there are very few other monsters. It feels strange to fight them and not get much reward. I'll try unlocking three seals at once later.

The scene interaction in Map 2 is also mediocre, and it's easy to accidentally hurt yourself in a small map.

Overall, I look forward to future improvements. Add more different types of monsters and bosses, and increase the healing mechanism.

Department Adjustment#

Recently, at this sensitive time (promotion window opening), the department has undergone organizational adjustments, which is the largest one since I joined the company nearly four years ago.

Previously, it leaned towards a middle platform nature, where one module connected to multiple platforms, and one person could participate in multiple platforms. For example, the module I was responsible for was a universal module that connected to all platforms, and for a long time, I was the only one responsible for it.

Now, it has changed to one platform with a group of people, and from the communication, the main direction in the future is to focus on revenue calculation and prioritize demands less.

Perhaps in the future, the focus will be on delivery and deployment, and there won't be any major development demands, only maintenance, minor demands, and customized demands.

Now I have more modules to take care of, but there are fewer demands, so I may have to face more customers.

BTW. I won't have a chance for promotion this year

💭 Excerpts#

📰 Weekly Digest#

Hangzhou Overpass Roses#


New Work by ControlNet Author: P Photos with Perfect Background Replacement Using AI Lighting#

The new work by ControlNet author, IC-Light, has become popular. It can automatically change the background and adjust the lighting. Users are thrilled. After uploading a photo, the system automatically separates the subject, selects the light source position, and provides prompts to complete the process.

IC-Light is a project to manipulate the illumination of images.
IC-Light 是一个控制图像照明的项目。
The name "IC-Light" stands for "Imposing Consistent Light" (we will briefly describe this at the end of this page).
“IC-Light” 这个名称代表 “Impose Constant Light”(我们将在本页末尾简要描述这一点)。
Currently, we release two types of models: text-conditioned relighting model and background-conditioned model. Both types take foreground images as inputs.

Prompt: beautiful woman, detailed face, warm atmosphere, at home, bedroom

Lighting Preference: Left

Prompt: beautiful woman, detailed face, shadow from window

Lighting Preference: Left

This lighting is amazing. The threshold for photography is getting lower and lower. In the future, if you're not satisfied with a photo, you can simply describe your ideas instead of dealing with various parameters. No need to start Lightroom anymore.


Web Summary#

OpenAI has released ChatGPT-4o, a multimodal AI assistant with powerful voice, visual, and text processing capabilities. It can perform real-time inference on audio, visual, and text inputs, enabling true multimodal interaction. ChatGPT-4o will be available for free to all users and offers various applications, including personal voice super assistants, collaborative value, and conversations between different ChatGPTs.

Key Points#

OpenAI has released ChatGPT-4o, a multimodal AI assistant with powerful voice, visual, and text processing capabilities.
ChatGPT-4o can perform real-time inference on audio, visual, and text inputs, enabling true multimodal interaction.
ChatGPT-4o will be available for free to all users and offers various applications, including personal voice super assistants, collaborative value, and conversations between different ChatGPTs.
Further Reading

Finally, a real assistant. I hope it will be available soon. I can't stand the dumb Xiao Ai anymore.

Redefining the Ultra Standard, vivo X100 Series Officially Released#

vivo X100 Ultra has been officially unveiled. The 12GB 256GB version is priced at 6499 yuan, the 16GB 512GB version is priced at 7299 yuan, and the 16GB 1TB version is priced at 7999 yuan. In terms of core configuration, the vivo X100 Ultra features a 6.78-inch Samsung 2KE7 full screen, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8Gen3 mobile platform, front 50 million pixels, a 5500mAh battery with support for 80W wired and 30W wireless flash charging, bidirectional satellite communication support, and comes in three colors: titanium, white moonlight, and deep space gray.

Looking forward to future reviews.

Shanghai Amends Non-Motor Vehicle Management Regulations: Prohibiting Carrying Electric Bicycles or Their Batteries into Elevator Cars#

"The Decision of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai People's Congress on Amending the Shanghai Non-Motor Vehicle Safety Management Regulations" was voted and passed on May 10, 2024, and will be implemented from June 1, 2024. The main changes in this revision are the prohibition of carrying electric bicycles or their batteries into elevator cars, as well as strengthening the source control of "electric bicycle splicing and modification," increasing the promotion of charging facility construction, and strengthening the safety management of ferrying electric bicycles. The "Amendment Decision" also provides guidance on the administrative, criminal, and civil liabilities that may be borne for illegal parking and charging causing fires, and clarifies that procuratorial organs will explore the work of public interest litigation for relevant accidents and hidden dangers in accordance with the law.

I support it. It's too dangerous. We need to crack down on illegal power lines.

📚 Articles#

Can anyone objectively and without any political bias analyze the truth or falsehood of the American Apollo moon landing? - Answer by Jack Ryan on Zhihu#

Web Summary#

This article mainly discusses the truth or falsehood of the American Apollo moon landing, pointing out that the Apollo moon landing is a real historical fact recognized by aerospace scholars worldwide.

The article also analyzes the logical problems of those who question the Apollo moon landing and points out that the moon landing conspiracy theory is on par with the flat earth theory and perpetual motion machines in the academic community.

Key Points#

  • The Apollo moon landing is a real historical fact recognized by aerospace scholars worldwide.
  • The believers of the worldwide Apollo moon landing conspiracy theory have not published any questioning articles in professional journals.
  • The status of the moon landing conspiracy theory in the academic community is on par with the flat earth theory and perpetual motion machines, it is not a scientific conjecture.
  • Those who question the Apollo moon landing have logical problems, such as a lack of aerospace knowledge and self-consistent logic.
  • The article calls on people not to "love their country" through forgery of evidence and rumors, and points out that forging evidence is harmful.

The answer provides a lot of information and logically refutes widely circulated doubts.

I believe that the United States did land on the moon, and even completed the feat of manned round-trip.
So why is it that after decades, it cannot be reproduced, and more money has been spent with little effect. It feels like those people were just too amazing.
