

2024-03-29 13th Week

🎞️ Life#

Fitness Beginner Video by Bilibili Influencer#


### Riverside Park Near the Company ![]( ## 💭 Fragments During the toughest times, don't always think too far into the future; just encourage yourself to make today good. There are too many unexpected events in this world, and some things don't deserve to occupy your emotions. Life is an experience, so enjoy it! — Yang Jiang

Booking Hotels on Taobao, Starbucks#

Starbucks can be booked through Taobao; I tried the super large cup, which is officially 40 yuan, but the booking is 26.
The method is to order the super large cup, the store sends a link, you click to select the store + product to order, and then they send you a code to pick it up directly in the store.

I inquired about hotels but haven't experienced it yet.
I asked about a mid-range Orange Crystal Hotel, and the business king room was sold out. Compared to the luxury king room, the Ctrip price without breakfast is 501, double breakfast 635 (breakfast is not worth that much..), and the Taobao price is 451 for a king bed with double breakfast, and the twin bed version is a bit cheaper.
The cheap prices on Taobao for hotels should be due to a premium membership number; theoretically, you can find someone with a premium membership to book, as members need to maintain their status.

Disadvantages of Electric Vehicles -- Hacker News Readers#

The biggest disadvantage of electric vehicles is that most of the energy is used to move the battery rather than the passengers.

The human body is not heavy (about 70 kg), while the Tesla Model Y's battery weighs 770 kg. Therefore, the energy consumed to transport the battery is ten times that of transporting passengers.

The First Person to Propose Black Holes#

There is a popular misconception that black holes act like cosmic vacuum cleaners, sucking everything around them. In fact, if the sun were to collapse into a black hole, the orbits of the planets in the solar system would not change because the central mass of the solar system remains the same, and the planets feel the same gravity as before.

The uniqueness of black holes lies in their very small size but high density. This creates extremely strong gravity very close to their center of mass, but this does not increase the gravity further away from the center.

The 20-Minute Rule for Parks#

The 20-minute rule for parks comes from a study in the "International Journal of Environmental Health Research," which shows that spending a small amount of time outdoors 🎍 each day, even without exercising, just being in the park for 20 minutes can enhance a person's sense of happiness and physical condition.
This rule emphasizes the positive impact of outdoor environments on mental health, and many people have found that spending time in parks, even doing nothing, can help relax and soothe the mind and body. Therefore, this rule is seen as a simple and effective way to relax.

📰 Weekly Excerpts#

Bilibili Ad Space Can Redirect to Meituan APP, Bilibili Upgrades E-commerce Traffic#

In March of this year, during the Q4 2023 earnings call, Bilibili's management stated that Bilibili will maintain a large-scale advertising business accounting for 28.5%. These two items account for over 70%, and both have seen double-digit revenue growth. Continuously attracting new users for various e-commerce platforms and their promotional activities through multiple ad spaces may have become an important way for Bilibili to profit from advertising.

Today's ads are really aggressive; before, they just made you aware, but now they directly redirect you to buy, and they are particularly sensitive to touch screens; just hovering over will redirect you, 🤮

Shenzhen 3 km Accurate Forecast, Huawei Releases First Regional Weather Forecast AI Model "Zhiji" 1.0#

At today's "Climate Action at the Forefront" event for World Meteorological Day, Huawei Cloud and the Shenzhen Meteorological Bureau jointly released the first artificial intelligence regional forecasting model "Zhiji" 1.0, marking a new milestone in weather forecasting. This regional model is based on Huawei Cloud's Pangu meteorological model, integrating high-quality regional meteorological datasets, and can quickly provide forecasts for Shenzhen and surrounding areas for the next 5 days with a spatial resolution of 3 kilometers, including meteorological elements such as temperature, rainfall, and wind speed. Huawei will also extend the meteorological model's services to hydropower, wind power, intelligent driving, aviation, and shipping, providing more refined meteorological services for disaster prevention and reduction.

Very impressive

German National Men's Football Team Signs 7-Year Contract with Nike, Ending 77-Year Partnership with Adidas#

On March 21 local time, the German national men's football team announced a 7-year jersey sponsorship contract with Nike, effective from 2027. At that time, the German national men's football team will end its 77-year partnership with Adidas. The German Football Association stated in a statement that Nike offered "the best economic proposal to date." The agreement also promises to support the German Football Association's amateur sports activities and promote the development of women's football.

Adidas used patriotism to pressure prices, and the contract with the German Football Association is much lower than those with countries like the UK; this signing with Nike is a great help to the German Football Association, and it also supports amateur activities and women's football. Nike's international influence is much stronger than Adidas.

Reports Say Apple Chooses Baidu to Provide AI Functions for Domestic iPhone 16 and Other Devices, Also Negotiated with Alibaba#

According to reports from the Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily, Apple had discussions with Alibaba and another domestic large model company, ultimately deciding to have Baidu provide this service. Apple is expected to charge via API interface.

If it's done in the form of an app, it feels average; if it's embedded into the system and combined with its own functions, the request volume will be quite impressive.

The Era of Music ChatGPT Has Arrived! Suno V3 Generates Hit Songs in Seconds, 12-Person Team Creates Phenomenal AI#

AI startup Suno has launched the V3 music generation model, which can generate 2 minutes of beautiful audio in just seconds, with netizens expressing that the era of music ChatGPT has arrived. Suno V3 also adds richer music styles and genre options, now available for free to all users.

Very realistic, but I can't quite understand my prompt.

Discontent with the U.S. Abstaining on Gaza Ceasefire Vote, Israel Cancels Delegation Visit to the U.S.#

Dissatisfied with the U.S. not vetoing the UN Security Council's proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu decided to cancel the planned delegation and will not send a team to Washington.

Reuters reported that Netanyahu's office stated on Monday (March 25) that Washington's failure to veto the proposal "clearly deviated" from its original position, which would undermine efforts against Hamas and the release of over 130 hostages.

His office said: "Due to the change in the U.S. position, Prime Minister Netanyahu decided that the delegation would not depart for Washington."

The high-level Israeli delegation was originally scheduled to go to Washington to discuss plans for military action in the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

The UN Security Council passed a resolution on Monday calling for an "immediate ceasefire" in Gaza to achieve a lasting truce and the unconditional release of all hostages. The U.S. abstained from voting.

U.S. White House spokesperson Kirby expressed disappointment regarding Israel's cancellation of the delegation visit.

Kirby told reporters: "We are very disappointed that they will not come to Washington, allowing us to have a substantive dialogue with them about feasible alternatives for ground operations in Rafah."

However, Kirby insisted that the vote "does not represent a change in our policy," and that the U.S. abstained due to the lack of condemnation of Hamas in the text. He said: "We consistently support a ceasefire as part of a hostage agreement."


Feishu Releases Company-wide Letter: Appropriate Scale Reduction, "Feeling Efficiency is Decreasing"#

Feishu CEO Xie Xin released a company-wide letter this morning, announcing an appropriate scale reduction and a new round of organizational adjustments. "We have also discovered issues within the organization: the team size is relatively large, but the organization is not lean enough, and everyone feels that efficiency is decreasing, and efforts are not focused, which is not conducive to the long-term development of the business," Xie Xin stated in the letter. Feishu, an integrated office collaboration product under ByteDance, was established in 2016. The pandemic in 2020 led to rapid growth in the collaborative office market. From over 2,000 people in 2021, it grew to over 8,000 in 2022. In recent years, Feishu has been gradually reducing its workforce, and the current number is around 5,000.

It's tough.

Delivery Rider Says He Doesn't Want to Pay Social Security in Shanghai: Isn't 700 Yuan Better Spent on Toys for My Daughter Back Home?#

"I come from the countryside, and social security means little to me; I don't want to pay!" On the afternoon of March 25, a post-90s delivery rider from Meituan expressed his thoughts during a legislative discussion organized by the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress. This discussion, held at the Party-Mass Service Center for New Employment Groups in Putuo District, was fully attended, and the topic was "Building a Consultation and Coordination Mechanism for the Rights and Interests of New Employment Forms."

City representative Liu Huaxin believes that many new employment groups are not included in social security, affecting their basic rights. "For super-large cities, ensuring social security for new employment workers is essential." However, delivery riders seem less concerned about "social security." A Meituan delivery rider sitting by the window stood up to take the microphone: "I learned that if I pay social security, I have to contribute 700 yuan a month, which is equivalent to delivering 100 orders. I could send that 700 yuan back home to buy some toys for my daughter, right? Plus, I already pay for the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme back home." "The significance of paying social security is that I will have protection when I get old, but I might not stay in Shanghai for many years, and can social security be refunded? No! Of course, if the platform can fully cover social security, I would be willing." The rider laughed.

Another delivery rider sitting next to him shared the same sentiment: "If I plan to stay in Shanghai long-term, I would be willing to pay, but if I'm only living here for a few years, I won't. I also have the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme, and I will eventually return home." At this point, a rider from YTO Express stood up and said: "Why do many people not want to pay? First, our delivery riders come from rural areas across the country, and we all have the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme back home; second, we can't meet the upper limit for social security contributions. According to regulations, social security must be paid for 15 years, which is very difficult for us to achieve, and there are also many riders over 50 in the delivery industry." A middle-aged man in a blue uniform stated: "I am an agent for ',' and I have hundreds of riders under me. I have also talked to them, and over 85% are unwilling to pay social security."

Xiaomi Cars Officially Launched#

Yesterday, the Xiaomi car launch event was officially held, unveiling the Xiaomi SU7 standard version, Xiaomi SU7 Pro version, and Xiaomi SU7 Max version, with specific prices and configurations as follows:

Xiaomi SU7 standard version priced at 215,900 yuan, rear-wheel drive/long range/intelligent driving version
Xiaomi SU7 Pro version priced at 245,900 yuan, rear-wheel drive/ultra-long range/high-end intelligent driving version
Xiaomi SU7 Max version priced at 295,900 yuan, high-performance four-wheel drive/ultra-long range/high-end intelligent driving version
In addition to the standard version, Xiaomi SU7 has prepared a limited edition of 5,000 founder's edition models. The Xiaomi SU7 founder's edition is priced at 215,900 yuan; the Xiaomi SU7 Max founder's edition is priced at 299,900 yuan.

After the launch event, it was seen on the Xiaomi car app that the founder's edition was sold out. After the launch, the number of pre-orders exceeded 10,000 in 4 minutes, 20,000 in 7 minutes, and 50,000 in 27 minutes.

Additionally, this launch event also introduced Xiaomi car accessories and related peripherals, and Xiaomi 14 also released five limited custom color versions.

Please call me Thor
The blue and purple are really nice.

Official Warning: Recently, Hackers Distributing Fake CleanMyMac Applications That Can Steal Mac User Data#

MacPaw recently released a press release stating that its cybersecurity department Moonlock discovered that hackers are distributing fake CleanMyMac applications to steal data from Mac users.

This fake CleanMyMac application infiltrates Macs using various methods, hiding its presence and stealing information. The counterfeit application collects detailed information about Mac devices, such as recently accessed files, browsing history, etc., and covers its tracks to avoid detection by security tools.

According to the investigation, the fake CleanMyMac application is mainly distributed through domains like macpaw [.] us and cleanmymac [.] pro; the aforementioned phishing sites have now been shut down, but attackers can easily change domains and lure users to download using similar phishing sites.

📚 Articles#

What Did WeChat's Message Sending Architecture Look Like Ten Years Ago?#

In 2023, the DAU (monthly active users) of WeChat and WeChat reached 1.34 billion, making WeChat an indispensable part of many people's work and life. Since its launch on January 21, 2011, WeChat has gone through 13 years, and the underlying technology and architecture have undergone tremendous changes.

These changes reflect the golden age of rapid development of the Chinese internet. The Tencent Cloud Developer Community has specially planned a "Technology from Ten Years Ago" series to take everyone back to the initial technical architecture behind those star projects. A good architecture grows out of good design, and I hope all readers can gain inspiration and find strength from it.

I want to know what the architecture of Telegram is like; compared to it, WeChat feels like an app from the Symbian era.

Listen to Li Bai! Fireworks in March Down __!#

Web Summary#

This article is a guide for a one-day trip to Yangzhou, including itineraries for morning tea, gardens, museums, and nightlife. Yangzhou's morning tea culture, garden scenery, and canal museum are all highlights, while at night, one can enjoy opera, puppet shows, and experience foot massage culture.

Key Points#

  1. Yangzhou's morning tea culture is an essential part, including dishes like hot dry noodles, three-ding buns, and jade dumplings.
  2. Slender West Lake, Ge Garden, He Garden, and Jianzhen Road are great places to admire flowers, with different flowers blooming in different seasons.
  3. The China Grand Canal Museum is a great place to learn about Yangzhou's canal culture, with interactive projects that are very technological.
  4. Yangzhou's nightlife is rich and colorful, including listening to Yangzhou opera, watching puppet shows, experiencing foot massage culture, and visiting night markets.

Consider going during Qingming.

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